
National Anthem

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since 06/25/99

Created 12/30/96

The following books, articles and CD provide additonal information on the Hungarian Revolution and can be found in public libraries, bookstores and software retailers.

Barber, Noel. Seven Days of Freedom: The Hungarian Uprising, 1956 Stein and Day: New York, 1974. Buy a copy at

Michener, James A. Bridge at Andau Random House: New York, 1957
Buy a copy at

Sisa, Stephen. The Spirit of Hungary Second Edition, Vista Books: Morristown, NJ, 1990 Buy a copy at

"Hungarian Freedom Fighter: Freedom's Choice"  Time magazine, January 7, 1957

1998 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, Hungary

The following Web sites contain additional information on Hungary and the Hungarian Revolution. Click on any link below to go that site.

Hungarian revolution and tory

Camp for Hungarian Refugees in Korneuburg, 1956 to 1959 Franz J. Kaupe, 2001, Kustos für Stadtgeschichte (German language - English available soon) - A detailed account of the refugee camp in Korneuburg, Austria

The Institute for the History of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution  (Research-oriented scholarly resources - for serious students of the revolution. Available in English and Hungarian languages.)

Dictionary / Szótár Hungarian-English, English-Hungarian Magyar-Angol, Angol-Magyar

Britannica - Hungary  (Comprehensive article on Hungary)

Hungarian Home Page  (General information about Hungary)

The Government Office for Hungarians Living Abroad (A rather scholarly history of ethnic Hungarian migration throughout neighboring nations, maintained by the Hungarian government.)

MÁV - Hungarian National Railways (Domestic and international rail schedules)


Népszabadság Online  

Népszava Online

Magyar Nemzet Online




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